Health and wellness related resources for undocumented and mixed-status folks.
The Counseling and Wellness Center at Western facilitates student success and psychological well-being through culturally sensitive clinical services, outreach, and consultation.
Washington Resources
Sea Mar Community Health Centers is a community-based organization committed to providing quality, comprehensive health, human, housing, educational and cultural services to diverse communities, specializing in service to Latinos in Washington state. Sea Mar proudly serves all persons without regard to race, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, or sexual orientation, and regardless of ability to pay for services. Sea Mar's network of services includes more than 90 medical, dental, and behavioral health clinics and a wide variety of nutritional, social, and educational services. For Sea Mar Services in Whatcom County.
Northwest Justice Project authored some health-related legal information for undocumented people residing in Washington State, such as:
- Health care coverage in Washington State: Non-citizen eligibility contains information about healthcare coverage options for undocumented folks in WA.
- Apple Health for Kids Program: Responding to DSHS Requests for Immigration and Citizenship Documents If you have children who are applying for state-funded free or low cost health insurance through Washington State’s Apple Health for Kids program, the Health Care Authority may ask you for documents about your child’s citizenship or immigration status. This publication explains what you should do.
- Help with Medical Bills for Immigrants without Legal Immigration Status, describes what programs are available and who is eligible for medical bill help.
- Washington Public Assistance for Immigrants Who Are Not Lawfully Present explains what benefits undocumented individuals may be eligible for.
- Work Injuries and Your Rights contains information relevant to undocumented workers who are injured on the job.
Apple Health (Medicaid) Limited Coverage for Noncitizens
- Alien Emergency Medical Programs (AEM) is an emergency medical program for individuals who do not meet citizenship or immigration status requirements of other Apple Health programs, or for qualified individuals who have not met the 5-year immigration bar, and have a qualifying medical condition.
Washington Prescription Drug Program (WPDP) Discount Card provides prescription drug discounts for those who don't have prescription drug coverage. The Health Care Authority (HCA) offers this state-sponsored program to provide savings to all people living in Washington.
Seattle Counseling Service’s Immigrant, Refugee, Undocumented Outreach (IRUO) Program is a community education and advocacy program working to increase and improve access to culturally and linguistically competent behavioral health services to immigrants, refugees, and undocumented community members.
The Health Equity for Immigrants Campaign In 2020, El Centro de la Raza, the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN), and Northwest Health Law Advocates (NoHLA) with support from the ACLU of Washington partnered together and launched the Health Equity for Immigrants Campaign to improve access to affordable health care coverage and services for all Washington residents, regardless of immigration status. This includes individuals who are uninsured and underinsured due to immigration status restrictions.
- 2020 Washington State Health Equity for Immigrants Full Report
IRIS (Immigrant Resource & Immediate Support). IRIS provides support to immigrants or those of mixed status in the form as a resource center, IRIS also provides housing rental and grocery stipends, kitchen essentials, Clothing, beds, blankets, and other needed household items. IRIS can also help to raise money to pay for medical and mental health services. You can contact them through 360-935-1688 or by email
Northwest Youth Services “NWYS is a program that employs services to aid youth who are experiencing homelessness but also provide other services involving behavioral health aid, employment & education support, Queer Youth services and more. Feel free to visit them at their website ( Or reach them by telephone (360-734-9862) or email(
National Resources
United We Dream’s UndocuHealth Initiative provides toolkits to facilitate and inform our community. Things like music-ivism, artivism, and breathing practices is what will transform these anxieties and insecurities into something positive!
Immigrants Rising’s Cultivating Mental Health & Resilience contains useful resources, such as:
- Mental Health Grounding and Self-care Toolkit to help process and identify practical ways to decrease stress and anxiety.
- Wellness Support Group are led by trained mental health providers or registered clinicians, are designed to help undocumented people feel less alone and more understood. Note: though participation can be therapeutic, the groups are not a form of therapy. This is available for all undocumented folks nationwide.
Informed Immigrant’s Mental Health Guide provides tips to help manage emotional and spiritual well-being.
UndocuBlack Guide for Mental Wellness Specialists was created to act as something tangible that Black undocumented folks can take to their mental health providers, with the intent of providing insight and guidance. Additionally, it is meant to act as a resource for mental health providers and the broader community.
The National Latino/a Psychological Association compiled a list of wellness resources for undocumented Latinos during this difficult time, including how to cope with stress and how to seek mental health help.
UndocuHealth National Mental Health Directory has a limited list of clinicians who have stated that they either have experience working with undocumented folks or offer pro bono services.